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Russian Language - LESSON 4:
Nominative Case

The nominative case answers the questions Who? (Кто?) and What? (Что?)
The subject of the sentance uses this case.

I. Nominative Case endings:

  Most male nouns will end in a consonant or й.
    стол (table)
  Most female nouns will end in or .
    газета (newspaper)
  Most neuter nouns will end in -o or -e, note that foreign words are generally considered neuter, they may end in or another noun.
    окно (window)
  Words ending in -ь may be either female or male.
    крепость (fortress) - male; рубль (Ruble) - female

II. Nominative Case of Personal Pronouns:

  Я - I
  tы - you (familiar)
  Вы - You (plural or polite)
  он - he
  она - she
  оно - it
  мы - we
  они- they

Я здесь.
   I am here

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